In loving memory, ûromama kwega kuuraga It is going to be 3years this 20th of August since you left us and I’m only just now being able to put this down. To write you into the world. To go back to writing on here. We shared so many unspoken truths that made me feel so so safe around you I have vague memories of carrying one litre water containers when my 6year old agemates were carrying ten litre and five litre ones The small bundles of napier grass, handfuls probably when they carried bundles that weighed them down You made sure I had a bundle to carry or a container of water You made it feel okay for me to come early in the morning to get my mandatory 5litres of water for washing the classrooms instead of having to carry them the estimated 5kilometres walk to school at 7/8years I’m the age before mobile phones, I would be tired at the end of my school day and walk to your home less than 10minutes away instead of the slightly more than ...
This might end up being one of those posts where you have to be in my head to follow my thought process... I'm not a fan of hospitals, scratch that, I'm actually okay going to hospitals as long as I'm not a patient. I do not enjoy drugs, I hate them to the point that I might actually fall sick at the thought of having to take drugs, they almost always get stuck in my throat especially the tablets. Like most people I know, I'm not exception in only going t hospital when in pain and absence of pain means that all is great. This is not always the case. At some point I realised that maybe we do not want to face the unknowns hence shy away from hospitals and doctors. Save for my dentist, therapist and that one doctor's visit my sibling had that I got to tag along, did I mention that I asked the doctor so many questions I was sure he wished he could throw me out at some point and this was clear from the look on his face, I have not seen a doctor for...