The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education results for class of 2013 released today on Tuesday, 31st at Mitihani House here in Nairobi. There is a group of candidates that am really thinking about on this day. Those pupils with LEARNING DISABILITIES who are yet to be identified by our education system. This is that boy or girl who cannot remember the last time he was not last in their class or the last time he was not punished for having incomplete homework. More often than not, we will be quick to dismiss this child as being lazy, naughty or just plain stupid. We fail to notice that this child is the one who sits the longest at the study table doing their homework but that does not mean that they will have completed it come morning since this child needs a bit more time to tackle each task and being given 30 questions from each subject as homework everyday in addition to the composition and insha does not help. This child will always be the first to get to school...