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Showing posts from 2014


How long did it take you to get your diagnosis? If you're extremely lucky, this was given to you by the first doctor that you visited. Mine was a journey of about 13 years of wishing and hoping that whatever difference I was noticing in my body is something I would outgrow. I guess most people were hoping that they would too or their children would. Then the years passed and it was clear that there was no improvement, if anything, things were getting slower, more challenging and maybe even painful.  Often times the doctors or the medical preactitioners who give us the diagnosis have not dealt with MD before and only apply the knowledge they got from their books which they had in medical school, which I gather is not much for anyone without specific interest in this genetic condition. After the diagnosis has been delivered, I don't know about you but I went all crazy gathering as much information as I could about MD from my dear friend Google. The first few interactions with th...


Bumping into this blog was very timely as in the recent past we have had this discussions with some of my friends. Here's what the writer had to say. gives your views I am a blind person.  Admittedly, beginning a piece with such a declaration seems odd.  Blindness however plays a key role in my life.  It has shaped me in many ways and has forced me to ask questions of myself that I might not otherwise ask.  Having known what it feels like to be both under appreciated and over appreciated as a blind person, I have spent a lot of time thinking about how as a Christian I should respond properly.    One of the questions I have asked and have tried to answer in general terms is: "What do those with disabilities owe to those without disabilities and vice versa?  Asking this question might seem wrongheaded in a society, not unlike others, that tends to focus attention on the question: "how shall we best help those with disabilities? ...