Hi lovely people, The other day I needed to get some feedback from several banks within Kitengela Township about their support in the upcoming Dyslexia Awareness Walk that will be on 5th of July, 2014. (You are all welcome to join us). I headed out ready with the necessary material. My account is with a bank that I have not had any complaints with so far in regard to being friendly to persons with special needs. In this post I will only describe the banks and assign them numbers in the order that I visited them. #1 This bank is on the ground floor of the building so I thought to myself, "This should be easy", well, I first noticed the ramp at the entrance which extended about half a foot, this meant that it is quite short and steep, immediately afer it is a step so I fail to see point in having the ramp. As i proceed inside, I request to see the manager but am informed that he is not in so I will leave report with the lady at the first desk. I took a seat as I waited and i...