I bumped into an article that couldn't have shed more light on this decision which is rather confusing. I remember the heated debate that we had during a Youth and Employment conference last year with opposing opinions being aired. My two cents has it that once you are confident enough in the qualifications that you have and your suitability for the advertised position, letting your employer know that you have a disability is a way of ensuring that you will be going into a welcoming working environment if you happen to get the job. This can be as simple as adding your registration number with the National body for those with disabilities to your bio-data. Read on and get wise :-) https://www.facebook.com/groups/782290015159886/permalink/819852584736962/?pnref=story How to use your disability as a strength when applying for jobs Career advisers told me to hide my disability on applications, but being open and turning it into a strength helped me get a graduate job...